Raw LAMMPS calculation

Raw LAMMPS calculation#

Sometimes transforming a LAMMPS script into a set of parameters that can be passed as a dictionary to aiida-lammps can be very complicated or impossible. That is why the LammpsRawCalculation is included, as it gives a way to pass a functioning LAMMPS script to aiida-lammps and run it via AiiDA. This will store the calculation in the AiiDA provenance graph and perform some basic parsing functions. However, as a great deal of the information needed to be able to parse the data is not present (due to the lack of parameters passed to the calculation engine) many of the automatic parsing done in the LammpsBaseCalculation is not performed in this case.


The usage of the LammpsRawCalculation also introduces difficulties with regards to the querying of results. With the LammpsBaseCalculation one passes several nodes, parameters, structure and potential which can be used in the AiiDA query engine to get specific calculations. As these do not exist for the LammpsRawCalculation the querying can be severely limited.


The code shown in the snippets below can be downloaded as a script, The script can be made executable and then run to execute the example calculation.

First import the required classes and functions:

from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory
from aiida import engine
from aiida.orm import SinglefileData, load_code

Then, load the code that was setup in AiiDA for lmp and get an instance of the process builder:

# Load the code configured for ``lmp``. Make sure to replace
# this string with the label used in the code setup.
code = load_code('lammps@localhost')
builder = CalculationFactory("lammps.raw").get_builder()
builder.code = code

The process builder can be used to assign and automatically validate the inputs that will be used for the calculation.

For the raw calculation the most important piece is to pass the LAMMPS script that will be run. To be able to pass it to AiiDA one needs to store it as a SinglefileData node, which basically stores a file in the AiiDA provenance graph. When a LammpsRawCalculation is submitted this file will be copied exactly in the machine performing the calculation.

import io
import textwrap

script = SinglefileData(
            # Rhodopsin model

            units           real
            neigh_modify    delay 5 every 1

            atom_style      full
            bond_style      harmonic
            angle_style     charmm
            dihedral_style  charmm
            improper_style  harmonic
            pair_style      lj/charmm/coul/long 8.0 10.0
            pair_modify     mix arithmetic
            kspace_style    pppm 1e-4

            read_data       data.rhodo

            fix             1 all shake 0.0001 5 0 m 1.0 a 232
            fix             2 all npt temp 300.0 300.0 100.0 &
                    z 0.0 0.0 1000.0 mtk no pchain 0 tchain 1

            special_bonds   charmm

            thermo          50
            thermo_style    multi
            timestep        2.0

            run     100
builder.script = script

As one can notice the script wants to read a file named data.rhodo via the read_data command. One can pass any set of files that the script might need, in this case a file stored in the lammps repository that is downloaded using the requests library, by first storing them as SinglefileData nodes and the passing them to the builder as follows:

import requests
request = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lammps/lammps/develop/bench/data.rhodo")
data = SinglefileData(io.StringIO(request.text))
builder.files = {"data": data}
builder.filenames = {"data": "data.rhodo"}


Notice that one first passes the files in a dictionary with a key called data, the filename dictionary specifies the name that will be given to the file stored under the key data in the machine performing the calculation. One needs to ensure that this name, data.rhodo in this case, matches the expected name by the script.

Lastly one needs to define the computational resources needed to perform the calculation

# Run the calculation on 1 CPU and kill it if it runs longer than 1800 seconds.
# Set ``withmpi`` to ``False`` if ``pw.x`` was compiled without MPI support.
builder.metadata.options = {
    'resources': {
        'num_machines': 1,
    'max_wallclock_seconds': 1800,
    'withmpi': False,

Now as all the needed parameters have been defined the calculation can bse launched using the process builder:

outputs, node = engine.get_node(builder)

Once the calculation is finished run.get_node will return the outputs produced and the calculation node, outputs and node respectively.

The node is the entry that contains the information pertaining the calculation. It is possible to check if the calculation finished successfully (processes that return 0 are considered to be successful) by looking at its exit status:


If the result is different from zero it means that a problem was encountered in the calculation. This might indicate that some output is not present, that the calculation failed due to a transitory issue, an input problem, etc.

The outputs is a dictionary containing the output nodes produced by the calculation:

    'remote_folder': <RemoteData: uuid: 70b075de-1597-4997-a4c1-7a86af790dfb (pk: 77529)>,
    'retrieved': <FolderData: uuid: 83b32034-7eef-4f0b-b567-f312a46cc2d3 (pk: 77530)>,
    'results': <Dict: uuid: c0fc582e-16b3-464f-8627-3023baebc459 (pk: 77531)>

The results node is a dictionary that will contain some basic parsed information from the data written to the stdout

    'compute_variables': {
        'bin': 'standard',
        'bins': [10, 13, 13],
        'errors': [],
        'binsize': 6,
        'warnings': [],
        'units_style': 'real',
        'total_wall_time': '0:00:20',
        'steps_per_second': 5.046,
        'ghost_atom_cutoff': 12,
        'max_neighbors_atom': 2000,
        'total_wall_time_seconds': 20,
        'master_list_distance_cutoff': 12

The complete output that was written by LAMMPS to stdout, can be retrieved as follows:
